Years ago, I started this journey towards understanding my own light, and what it is that makes me feel divine and magical; a Place within that I can go to be calm and at ease.
I call this place,, Personal Bliss.
Bliss is where you can accept everything just as it is and you are at one with every aspect of yourself. It is as if you are sitting in the most beautiful and serene place in the world, where you have accomplished everything , you have birthed all of your children, taken care of all of your duties and are at peace with everyone who has ever wronged you. In Buddhism, they call This Nirvana
This is a lifetime journey, so Have patience.
Through Trial and error do we learn what makes us and breaks us, but this is the beauty of who we are ! The fact that we choose to acknowledge ourselves to the last detail.

In order to start this, we must silence our surroundings, we must face ourselves. Every bit of ourselves.
There is a Psychologist, Carl Jung,
Who has named the part of ourself that we shut out; He calls it The shadow self. This self is not bad, it is just the part of us that we ignore, the little things that we pretend we are not. When we face that part of ourself, we understand that we are neither bad nor good, we just are who we are.
Meditation is the key to this bliss, meditation is the most beautiful journey inward. It is a choice to say "Okay, I am reaching outside of the physical , I am going to explore what makes me human, but also, what Makes me Divine." It is said that we are a Soul creature having a human experience, and I love this! Through the steadfast acceptance of ourselves, and the patience with the slow journey towards our own light, we reach out to our bliss.

We Will spend days where it feels as though everything is in perfect sync and there are no troubles in the world, but there will be days where we feel so completely human that we forget our bliss. this is okay, This is our human journey back to our Gem selves. Be patient with yourself, spend time with the beauty of who you are. Never be bored with who you are, because no matter what you think you are always evolving and you are always learning.
Find your Meditation, no matter what is it. Walking, Writing, Deep Breathing, Sitting in silence, Prayer, Reading, Drawing, Dancing, Contemplating, Toking, Sitting in nature, Laying down , Going for a drive, hunting, Creating music... Whatever it is that helps you feel more than human, this, is your meditation.
Explore the world of those around you, Learn more than you do. We ARE here to learn, we are on this earth for multiple reasons. If you get stuck in a mind set, step back and observe yourself. It could be as simple as re-arranging your books.
Sending you Courage to face your Shadow self, E.B

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