
Saturday, January 31, 2015

Twin Flame Love-- Spiritual Merging -- Energetic Merging

Within each Entity, there in lies multiple portals
and with this we may transport ourselves into an
essence being . We can Transport all that we are
and all that is , by focus upon these energies--

Power center , Solar Plexus --- ***

Holding A Pure - Balanced energy--

Whilst listening to a seminar on " The Vortex"
by Abraham Hicks--
 It struck me that -- The energy field that I seek
is the Energy Field that I must emit On a day to day
Basis... If I wish to emit anything and find the
Matching Vibration-- then I Must work and work
and work on My Vibrational Field .
All the Processes and Energy Bodies-- Must
be in Communication and Communion
to be in balance and uni cent...
What is off and what must be addressed
will always aid us far more than anything
else. If there is nothing off-- Fabulous ,
But if you sense anything , and especially
if it does not Resonate - You must ask the
source of.
<333 <3 <3 <333 <3 <3 <33 <3 <3

To Transmute is the True essence of
Spiritual Transformation , The Truth in
all is that things will not and do not
transition, In Completeness , overnight-
But with the Dedication to- We can Open
 Ourselves up to so much more and
Beyond our Comprehension Even. '

To Trust what you feel and Inevitably Change
what we do not wish for - Within Ourselves,
 then we Can respond to the world around
us  in a vaster sense . Even more so, In the
scheme of Things , we can Become Quicker
in our response time; By Heightening our
senses , we go through a process of- A Sort
of testing of which things we wish for (Psychically)
and What we wish to just learn, and then
Move on ;]
What we sense is a key Ingredient in all that
we learn , for ourselves mostly.

When seeking to Merge the twin Flame energy Within your Own Vortex( Energy field) you must , must
be able to distinguish between another's energy force, and your own-- When and only when this happens can we invite this sort of energy into our field . It is a sort of perfection and madness that can be found from healing with and healing this sort of thing.
Twin flame love Is beyond what Any of the Physical senses can perceive , which is why it is important to rely on our subtle (psychic) senses to do the filtering and healing for us.

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