
Monday, February 23, 2015

Merging Micro-cosmic force with Macro-cosmic Infinity

Already, As this 2015 year has begun- We, In the lightworker Community , Have noticed a huge boost in the energetic ascension and awareness that has been being brought to the planet . The Veil Between worlds has been very thin and practically non existent since early Jan. Alot of us, are aware of the World Just beyond ours- the world that takes the souls of the departed. Yet, What about the Other Worlds , just beyond our comprehension that exist?

There are, In Fact, far more universes, and planes of existence , than we Could possibly try to fathom. 
We Have within us ( Microcosmic) An enormous amount of universes, working to keep our bodies functioning on a daily basis; Within those universes, lie the subtle inner universes . 

Now, What about these infinite universes Out side of us (Macrocosmic), that are not just the great mystery of life beyond Death.

Do You understand that, not only are some of these universes only an etheric rhealm- but they are also Great aids In the re-balance and healing of Gaia. Within this planet lies the Animal and Elemental Kingdom .Ruled by the Fae and protected by the Dryads, we have within reach, a deep and Magical Connection to the Earth Mother Herself. The Healing that is deeply needed for the Planet, is mainly for that which inhabits most of the earth. Our planet is a living creature all her own , and the mere fact of "We Havent even discovered half of the oceans content" Is enough to put any ego in check. Do you truly Understand the depth and Power that this planet has; We are so arrogant of a species to think that we reign over her- when in fact she is greater than any of our mass could ever be. May we stop belittling our home planet for the sake of ourselves? When will we learn that greed and power and nothing compared to the entirety of existence. Do we understand that our every action effects the earth in some way.

The Next time you go to eat, I Wish that you bring great attention to how your body feels specifically, before and after you eat. What did you eat? Did you feel better before or after? Are You being Mindful of the Consumption of substance going into your body? Take note of every before and after effect of this.

Just the Same, Do you think that our mother Does not feel everything we give and take from her. Do you think she is not heart broken and shattered after we raped her body of the Pure diamond and gemstone vibrations that were her purity ! The diamond trade has left our earth wretched, and unable to heal herself . Do you not wish to aid her and yourself in a healing mindset? The patterns of our long standing mankind , must be broken  - Do WE not understand that every single thing we do causes an effect, that there are literally no breaks when it comes to destructive repercussions.

 The Purpose of a micro-Macro Cosmic union is very important in the understanding of the worlds around usss . There are rhealms of existence , literally inches away. How we perceive the physical world, as just that- Physical. How is it that we do not trust our senses to tell us, when we only trust our eyes? Foolish, Is the man who thinks himself full on the Earth alone. Do we not understand the necessity of whole fulfilled nourishment . Do not deprave yourself of things , but balance your life in all fields. Listen to your body , just as much as your soul. Understand that every universe is important in the whole .

Merging our physical consciousness with our spiritual ascension , is the true next step in human evolution. Physical Evolution was never the main goal, physical evolution was not the end point. Do we not see that there is no end point, that ultimately all we should seek is inner peace and ouuter openness . The behaviors and societal norms, must shift. WE MUST change our perceptions ; We are on earth to live in unicent. WE Have over come our animalistic nature tohunt eachother, why can we not overcome our excused barbaric behavior of isolation, and destruction. 
The Illusion lies in the fact that we are never alone. Do You literally comprehend thaat there are billion of humans alone on this planet. Think about how many species of animals their are- insects alone. Think about all the plants that exist on this planet. We Have never been alone, the mindset of seperateness is something that we have put ourselves into , you are not ever alone sweet poppet. 

 This planet is a creature of infinite resource. This planet has literally created from itself, life. DO we not see that Gaia has been forgiving on us , that she is a merciful mother who needs help more than anything else. 
A Shift in humanity's perception is what is necessary, how much can the collective mother really take before her level of tolerance has been reached? I Will tell you, it has been brought forth.

There are Universes where creatures called "ascended masters" Reside, in their energetic form . This rhealm is thaat one of pure teaching and unconditional love. When it comes to understanding the councils of the Universe, I Think of this one as the Rhealm for Highest Consciousness . This rhealm alone , connects us to teachers that live and have lived on earth in many lives. A Pure soul is always sent to the earth, in hopes of it holding tight to its Golden Chord Lifeforce.  Ascended Masters are great teachers in lessons of compassion for humanity- For understanding that although this is a long-withstanding pattern, we at any moment can start shifting all that we are. Jesus, Joan of Arc, Buddha , Gandhi, Martin Luther King - These are all example of ascended masters . It is up to us, to connect with our inner master to see through the eyes of Understanding and Compassion. That , although, one person is just one Person, the Life force that a single person holds is enough to create a ripple effect on the entirety of our lives. 

I encourage each of you to focus upon this awareness of everything , to focus not just on ourselves - but on the service of healing we each have for the planet . We Can truly open up so many doors and answers when we merge our consciousness with all that is.


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