Think About It
We've been gifted the opportunity Through Existence to be priviledge and chanced to Learn different Languages, lifestyles, and even complete Cultures! Through this Expansion of Living, its also Teaching us that we're important to eachother.
Through social media- we are able to get in contact with the people next door, or across the Globe. What a Truly privileded world we have developed. With these gateways , leading to our lives and all things beyond the self, What can we do to push our being to be in full balance and in connection with such a Wonderful Opportunity ? We Can focus on Expansion of Self, and the Evolution of Society.
God, You Say?
Our Expansion of Collective Consciousness ( God Essence, if you will) is Our next stage of Evolution. The Awareness of our part in all things is where we come into it all .
I believe, we Are born into existence to be of service to One another , To aid eachother on our journey Of Expansion and Personal Growth . Through Practices of Openness, Forgiveness, Tolerance, Compassion , and non judgement - We Can show our support for our Fellow Earth Brothers andn sisters. We play a Very important role in the lives of the other. Truly, Darlings.
Think about your interactions of those around you on a daily basis. Some, We Treasure as if they are Golden Pieces in a dull Copper Field - The People who we flow with, and Are comfortable Around . Now, What of the ones who seem to push our buttons, and Make us question Humanity? Those are the ones we are learning our most valuable lessons from. Oh what Contrast they throw at us, and how dare they take us out of or comfort zones. Tolerance? Must I Really practice this? :b
Work, Work Work Work Work.. *Rihanna Voice.
Its Delicious that we can be a constant work in progress- From our mindsets, to our goals, and even to our approach to Humanity . The Mission, and the beauty of all that we are is in constant Transition.
With each thought, we are granted the choice of what we want to feel.What DO we want to feel ? Think on it for a bit, Im not going anywhere...
The process of Filtering what we want, from the lesson of contrast (what we do not think we want) is a Great Strengthening tool. How Ideal is it , for us to know ourselves this well as to Filter our Thoughts and desires. The Details and the big picture are both of Equal Deliciousness.
When we constantly push the boundaires of our thought Processes, We see That " Hey, maybe this is bigger than just me." we are able to Ellborate on our examples we live for one another . Walk your Talk , Darling. When you live inauthentically, youre not fooling yourself and especially no one else is fooled for long. Be Authentic and Honest with your desires, with your thoughts, and always be honest with yourself.
When we choose to follow a thought stream and we Reeally like it, and we say , hmmm. That was delicious- But later we have another thought that links with that one, and the thought process is pushes farther, and we keep ellaborating on that thought. They're very Delicious things. Being open to thoughts that, may or may not have previously crossed our minds , is what its about, How deeply can we think about something ?and how much more Expansion can we allow our minds to build upon .
You're Always Getting There
Say, you have a goal and It started out as something small like a Dream for Power one day. Okay, Ths is the grand picture, but what about the Details . Hmmm, So what does power mean to me? Does it mean leadership, or does it mean control? Why Do I want Power? What can I do with it? That thought Pauses and you leave it be for a while.
What can I do with power? Perhaps I choose to help people, Perhaps I will use my Position of Power to be a voice for those who have none. But which Voices? Leave The Thought for a bit, and I Promise more will come.
This is Only One Example of an Expanded thought Process, and as you can see, the chain of thought can go on untll the thought has been refined and eveything placed and Whole.
Always start grand, and the go to work on the details. They are each just as important . Push nothing, for when we start straining - we get frustrated. Be Patient enough , to let your intense thoughts be put to rest sometimes. And pick them up later, when you have something refreshing to add. This way we can always grow with love and fertile seeds! Allowing it to flow , allows Outside Inspiration to come and Cleanse you !
My prayer for you, is that you'll find your expansion, and your tribe . Allowing you to soar on the wings of expansion in life and service ! Muah
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