
Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Guardian spirits

--Guardian Angel 
noun: guardian angel; plural noun: guardian angels
A spirit that is believed to watch over and protect a person or place.

Below are links to different beliefs on guardians and guides <3

Guardian Angels/Spirits  are multi-dimensional beings that are pure of spirit. Some, are said to be Angels directly from God, others are ancestors, animals, mystical creatures, Demigods, Devas, Saints, Archangels, Ascended masters, and so on. They are there to protect and  nudge us towards the highest good when we call on them. When you need help with your spiritual journey, these are your go to!  There for guidance, spiritual wisdom, divine intervention, an example to be followed and so on. They are available to all who call on them and will walk with you as long as you need. Depending on the system of belief you follow you could have one or up to one hundred of these. It is even taught that there are people here on earth, that serve as guardian angel types for us. You can recognize these people as being pure in spirit, with an unconditional heart. They could be caretakers, humanitarians, old souls, a loving person who always has their door open to friends and strangers alike, animal rights activists etc.  You'll know these souls the moment you meet them. Your earthly guardian angels will be in your life, from the moment they meet you until the end of your days, you can trust these people to offer wonderful insight, as they generally have other worldly wisdom.

Spirit Guides   These are your personal cheerleaders and your go-to in time of need. They are souls, who are believed to have spent many lives on earth until their soul reached Nirvana and have now chosen to serve as a spirit guide. They could have possibly lived with you in a different life (If you believe in reincarnation)  or lived a previous life similar to yours and its challenges and gained certain wisdom and insights that could help you along the way.  These Guides are specific to us, and generally stay with us our entire lives.They serve as a helper in times of major life shifts, celebration,  moments of overcome, difficulty, and even dire situations. They have been known to manifest into physical form when a situation is an extreme emergency or to deliver a very important message (Same with Guardian Spirits)

They are entities that generally stay in the " spirit rhealms" and have access to limitless knowledge through space and time, such as their own karmic fulfilled lives and lessons and the records of every life. When you need help with your earthly journey, these are your guys!
Prayer and meditation are the most common and accessible ways to be in communication with both guardian and guide spirits. You can ask them to come to you in dreams if you wish specifically to have them identify themselves to you. Some people are even as bold as to request they present themselves as a physical being. 
If you choose to meditate or pray to connect with them ( both are the best way to connect and communicate), I suggest silence be your back ground , where as music and the like serves as a distraction. If you need music to be the background choose non vocal. Be somewhere with no distractions, dim lighting and where you feel most relaxed or safe. Be the guide of this meditation , see where you float and be sure to jot any notes down, while you have the connection and inspiration right there. 

Animal/Creature Guides, Some cultures teach that we have the spirits of animals, or any creature of nature. plus mystical creatures fostering as guardian for us. For example, Tribes of the Native Americans believe in Animal Totems and animal mysticism where these creatures are a teacher/ protector, kinfolk, and friends for us.They believe you can call upon certain animal spirits to give you strength and courage (whatever you need) to walk with you in the phases of your life .
There is something they have called the Animal totem. 
A command of animal spirits that are dominant in your personality , the ones that represent who you are in the best and worst lights; or are the best medicine for your spirit. 
These are the animal spirits that walk with you in your everyday life, keeping watch and encouraging you. 
Others, teach that You can call on specific creature guides to help you with a certain phase of your life. Appearing or being summoned to show you aspects of your personality that are strong and needed, or need strengthening, and so on. 
When their lesson is done they leave you and you are free to move onto the next phase of your life, with thanks and respect to the creature.
 Another Belief system, teaches us we only have one creature spirit that walks with us daily, continuously protecting and guiding us, while serving as teacher of both dark and light. They serve as both guide and guardian. 
It doesn't matter if you have an entire totem of animals to teach and guide you, or a single creature. The creature kingdoms are our family, and we have been coexisting together for centuries. Allow these beings to guide and teach you, as you protect and hold sacred their place on this planet and in your life.

To connect with your animal guides sit out in nature to meditate or pray ( somewhere that you cant be disturbed or distracted) notice the animals or creatures that you are most drawn to, which ones do you relate to on a primal level? Which ones are most like your personality? Which ones make you feel empowered ?If you are having trouble ask the creature to show itself to you while meditating or to appear in a dream. Do research and see what the totem and symbolic meaning of each is. It doesnt matter if you choose one, or an entire list of them. This is a connection most needed to stay in touch with our creature nature. 

In most religions/ spiritual beliefs its taught that angels and spirit guides are not allowed to meddle with our "free will" choices, so if you need help or wish to connect, you must do so by asking.
Often times, I will get a strong reminder that its time to eat something, or to lighten up and I will walk into a room and see the time on 4:44 and know that my angels are looking out for me. Guidance can come as a lightbulb idea, or a gentle nudge towards something. Angels, Guardians, and guides can send reminders and messages as synchronicity, repetitive numbers, flashes of intuition, epiphanies, warning signs, repetition, your primal instincts kicking in, feelings of warm comfort and so on .
You can always count on your angels and guides to pass along messages with a hint of humor.
  If you are wanting a sign from them, you can ask for one while in prayer or meditation. Don't worry about how you receive the sign, but keep a keen eye out for repetition throughout your day.

While theres much speculation as to whether we can credit these beings or not, one thing is for sure, there is mass power in the belief and connection with them all over the globe. Dive in and feel the power of connection <3

With Love,

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