" The Worst is now behind you, and you are surmounting any previous challenges."
The Bigger heart you have the more you will have to overcome in this life, For it is to show Everyone and yourself that, no matter what, there will always be good. The objective is to see the silver lining in things, to know when a good thing is disguised as bad. There is always something below the surface and there is always a humour to something that feels horrible.
It Is only the Way we deal with things that defines our Character Lessons.
The beauty of our Light is the fact that we can rise above all things that seem like a difficulty. We are Not meant to Be Victims our entire lives.
It is When we start to see the Horizon that we get weary of the Turmoil we have been put through, it is as if we know rest is just in front of us, and we must push on just a little further. It is a test of our willpower. Are We Really Willing to Fight for what we want. You have come this far, why not a little further?

Some Humans get put through the most intense and trying Lessons in life, and those who come out on top and triumph over their fears are the ones who have the Most Beautiful Souls and the Most Uplifting stories to tell.
You Will Notice a Pattern In The way the person carried themselves throughout their life, you will notice that they have a Warrior Spirit; They Never Let anything get them down.
This is the Approach that build Strength and WIllpower that can Save Anyone.
Turmoil and challenges are never meant to be suffered and overcome alone, Most of the time the test is to see if you will ask for help, if you will admit when you have been defeated. There will always be someone there to lend a helping hand or just a promise Of Reassuring stability, but ultimately, the Challenges are ours to overcome.

Trust in your strength enough to know that you can make it through Anything, and don't ever let anything get you down. Snap out of it, and realize that Life is the most beautiful thing to have in this existence .
When you see the best, you will always land on top. Don't let the opinions of other tell you otherwise. Even When It ends in Death, you Are only Moving onto Another Rhealm Of Living.

Peace and Loving Embrace,
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