Some of you may or may not have known that the full moon was this past week, it was a Blue moon - meaning that it was the second full moon in one month.
I Know for a fact everyone has been feeling the intensity in the air, that hard truth that has been floating around.

Over the past hundred years or so, the earth's Vibrational levels have been increasing. Meaning, the Old ways of Greed and corruption are no longer becoming acceptable.
When we are at a higher level of energy, we operate from our heart center and That means emitting Pure Love.
When we put the needs of others ahead, or even in league with ours, we are helping the planet to Raise its vibrational Pull.
Over the Next Few years, the Energies will be shifting rapidly, The Idea is to leave the 3-dimensional plane and Head to the 5th dimension.

From what I have learned from My reliable , wise sage, is that in the 5th dimension our form of communication is telepathy and we do not feel emotions like hate and resentment.
I Know this sounds odd, because I, myself Love to talk. What she means is that, We Will have a better Understanding of one another. Telepathy is an un-biased form of Communication. You speak directly to the Person's soul, and not to their ego. Ego cannot Operate on a high Energetic Plane. The Fifth dimension will be the end of Ego as we Know it.

Now, In this time of Purifying and raising the earth's vibrations, we Must Remember to Take care of Ourselves. Which Takes me to My First Point
--- Nurturing our Bodies---- This Means eating properly, Getting enough rest ( also resting when your body says) , Going on daily walks, meditation or just deep breathing, and getting out into nature. .When we do not take care of ourselves, we feel sluggish and sad, Like we do not want to do anything. This is no good! The idea of us having these bodies is to Nourish them , body and Soul, Feeding them both daily. You really should get raw vegetables and lots of water into your diet , this pulls our toxins and helps your body digest. Fast food and gas station food is the easiest way to feel sluggish. Cherish your body and you can find the fountain of youth by taking care of yourself every single day.
Secondly, -------Clearing your personal Energy Field---------- This is a HUUUGE Deal, and it is Soooo very important! Everything, and I mean EVVERYTHING you come into contact with, leaves a residue in your personal energy field, whether being good or bad. The best thing to do is to clear your energy ATLEAST twice a day! It could be as soon as you feel an overwhelming sense of urgency or static. Just make sure that you are doing it daily! The easiest way to do this is to step outside or somewhere you can be alone for a few moments and take three slow breaths from your abdomen. This instantly will raise your vibration and keep out other intense energies for a while, atleast.
Lastly, -----Take back your Power----- This Means, Stand up for what you believe in! If that means to you, to put up your controversial artwork, go for it! If this means to start writing that book that will make your family ask questions, do it! This is not a time to try and blend into the crowd, this is a time to Express yourself and to do what makes YOU happy. As long as you are not harming anyone, you are free to express yourself how you see fit. The more you do this, the more you are light hearted and take life with a grain of salt, the easier it is to live in your power.
You deserve to be happy!
If we Continue to be dedicated and Stay strong in our Journey to take care of one another, we will start seeing the change in Our Lives. I Understand it can be hard , but once you get past that little speed bump in the beginning, the world is your oyster.

Find a Person/Persons that you feel you can be around and be yourself, judgment free. This is the start to opening your Beautiful Essence to the world. We all Have something to offer, and as long as we find our true allies in life, we cannot ever feel alone.
Loving Wishes and Kisses,
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