Helloo, and Happy December, my darlins :]]]
This month's Meditation has me very excited !!
Last month we learned about the first two chakras, and now this month we Will focus upon just one of them..

Solar Plexus Chakra !! ---
This Chakra is so very beautiful!!!!!
It is our Power center, To me, It feels like where we store and draw most of our energy; Say, you are feeling drained and tired, and you need to get energy, just do a meditation on your solar plexus and you shall be recharged !
This center tell us to live in our personal Power! Being The Strong Vibrant beings that we are! To Be Confident , Lively and Open with those around us. When we are confident, we teach by example, and that is the lesson of this Energy Center.
This center is the Expression and expansion of our "personality" as we know it. This is the center that will encourage us to stand up to others, to stand firm in our beliefs and will also help us connect with others. This is the chakra that will help us show the world that, through self expression and Confidence , it is okay to be who you are!
If This chakra is out of balance then we will feel a lack in confidence, we will feeel reclused and not like going out and doing anything, we Will Be Either over or under eating and have stomach aches.
If you're needing to heal any friendships, this is the chakra to channel. It will help you to stand in your power, but it will also help you keep your ego out of the situation, so that things can be resolved.

Here is an affirmation to boost your solar Plexus chakra and help you to stand in your power
"I am a Vibrant being who Is confident in my choices and beliefs, I Now stand in my Personal Power and Accept Life as it comes. I make Decisions that are best for me and for the highest good of others. "

Sending Balance and Clarity, E.B
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