One of the most important things in life is the way we talk to ourselves; Our self Love. In the 21st Century we are easily influenced to think low of ourselves and set Standards where we think that we must hit a barre of Perfection. The world we live in is ruled by Ego, and our ego can create fear and negativity inside of us. When we go through life telling ourselves we are not good enough, we will never believe that we are good enough for anything. This my Dears, is not Ideal. We do not need to live our human lives feeling low and feeding into our self loathe, you deserve to live in peace and comfortability within your own skin. You deserve to Feel your own love.
When we decide to step outside of our Ego and into our Golden Being, we make a decision to change our Mindset along with it. This process is far more amazing than we realize; when we change our mindset we are Emitting into the Universe Alchemy. The definition of Alchemy states that in the process of this, You transform something into another thing. This process can be highly Spiritual, and has in fact been known in history to be so.
In order to Silence our Negative mind chatter, we must engage in Alchemy of the mind. Transforming our Negative self talk, into Kindness; Stop telling yourself that things will never get better,stop telling yourself that you are not beautiful and stop telling yourself that you do not measure up. Take a deep breath and say to yourself "We Will always get through this. I trust in you." Now take another deeeep breath.
It will always be alright. I Promise. Once we get out of the fear mind set, let go of our anger, and forgive what is happening around us , we can see the beauty in everything. This, My friends, is Ideal.
Never feed in to your ego's desire to fill your mind with fear, Aim for your Golden Self , Your Soullll. That is the key to your soothing. Comfort yourself and Love yourself. Do Something kind and healing for you- Make some cupcakes, cuddle on the couch, drink a cup of tea, or go for a run... whatever it is that soothes you; do this on a daily basis. Loving yourself daily is a great way to start on the path to silencing the sadness of the Ego.
Sending you Love and Light,
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