Happy New year!!
I am SO Pleased that we are starting the year off with the Heart Chakra! This makes me happy and Excited for what the year has in store for us!
Here is a Gentle Affirmation to open the heart Center.... " I Am Love! I Freely Give and Receive Love that is of the highest good. I am Compassionate and Kind to those around me ,and in return I feel A Deep Seeded Calmness that Stems from my heart center." Now, On to the matter at hand!
Our Heart Chakra, Beautiful and Calm; The heart chakra is said to be the seat of the Soul. Teaching us through Fearlessness and Honesty.
This is a very personal chakra ( as they all are) But what is different about this one, is the fact that our heart is essential for Loveeee! This of course means how we expresslove to the world and those we love, giving and receiving.. but most Importantly, How we express and accept Love from ourselves. The Words that we choose to say to ourselves, directly reflect our love to others .
Keep this in mind when coming to terms with your love life.
This chakra is linked to openness , compassion , forgivness, tolerance, Joy , and Peace of mind. Now you can see why it is so important for us to keep this one in sync with the rest !
The Heart Chakra teaches us that only Love is real and that Love is the Universal Language . It Connects us to every living thing within the universe . Linked to the Color green and pink, Archangel Raphael and the Feminine Energies. This Energy Center is the Place of all Deep seated Healing. Emotional, Etheric, and Sometimes even Physical. This Center is gentle in her ways, showingus through experience that everything will always be okay. Her meditations bring you a feeling of Calm Serenity.
May you be Forgiving and Understanding of those around you, with their journey and your journey also ;May You have patience for what lies ahead, and the strength to tolerate those who you do not understand. May you Live your Life openly Through your heart, and may you be kind even when you don't know why. May you be joyful in this life that you live and may you feel Brave enough to live your life how it makes you happy ( Harm none , especially not yourself) May you change your abusive behaviors that have been tearing down your self esteem, and may you be kind enough with those habits to gently break free of them. May you live by example and never questions your choices after they have been made . I Pray this inner peace and tranquility for you all.
To me, The Biggest lesson that this chakra teaches , is that of Tolerance and Gentleness. When we are faced with situations or people that we cannot seem to understand, or be kind to, Our Beautiful Heart tells us that when we see every side of a situation, there is always so much more. Spend time being more open to the choices others make, you might not agree with them. but that is their life and not yours . Only you , can truly make yourself feel loved ad happy every second of the day.You are not here to fix the world as a whole and make everyone happy, you are here to teach by example. Love yourself and you show the world how it is to be done.
I am sending you Love, compassion and tolerance on this beautiful New beginning , May you have strength to love and forgive yourself, E.B
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