
Saturday, February 1, 2014

Monthly Meditation-- Throat Chakra--

We Are Over half way done with our Chakra Meditations, How bitter sweet and Lovely it is :]] ! I am Loving this journey towards balance and am Grateful for those of you , who have been following these every month. This last month felt a bit longer than usual for me, which probably means thats I had a lot of Heart Healing to do!

Throat Chakra --- the Communication Center-- It is said that not only is our throat chakra for Talking, but also our listening skills ( As the Ears and Shoulders are associated with this chakra)We Must always balance talking with listening.. and this goes also, for how we talk and listen to ourselves. Our Emotional Expression comes deeply from this chakra; If we are feeling a certain emotion and we wish to say something, and we hold it back, that is us placing fear in our being and closing our throat chakra. it is very important to always speak your truth.. There is a difference between just saying what is on your mind, and speaking the truth with Kindness ( This makes sense , since the heart chakra is so close to our throat) When we speak the truth with kindness, we are making an effort to not hurt the other person, and believe it or not , that is so important in healing and balancing your energy. A balanced throat chakra emits a beautiful light blue energy. Below is a picture to meditate on for throat chakra balance. <3 <3 <3

When we have a balanced throat chakra we are honest and creative, we express our creativity through our words, when we speak our words lovingly we allow room for honest and true creativity. Art is a form of communication, it is how we wish the world to perceive us, and when we have a balanced being, we can create our most beautiful art. In order to have the best of all things, and experience the best, we must listen to and speak our truth. Sometimes it is better to get the truth out there than to hold it in, it might not get through to the other person, but atleast you have allowed yourself to say it, and in so you are healing that part of yourself.
Continue to be an open receptor for truth and creative expression. Live your truth, because it is not always about words. Sometimes the way we carry ourselves is truth enough. Sending you Honesty and Creativity, E.B

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