
Thursday, November 13, 2014

Twin Flame Energies -- Connecting and Balancing

Twin Flame Energies , What are they , and why is there so much hype around them ?

 For Years now, the Awareness of this sort of connection , has been brought into the lime light- bringing with it confusion, and amazement all the same.
So what really is twin flame energy, and what is a twin flame ? Can we Utilize this sort of energy? What is its purpose and how can we be a part of it ? Does everyone have a twin flame and How will I Know? These and many more are the questions that typically float around the beautiful and healing light of - Twin flame energy. But really, what is it and what is the purpose ?

I have been spending alot of my life doing research- finding sources and excerpts ;  reading Snippets , and finding all I can on one subject. This is how I come to understand something-- and what I have found with doing research and meditations on this sort of energy , is that is is pure healing and balance.

Lets slip away from the purpose of it bringing you this person-- and focus on the balance of it.

Twin flame- soul fire, is the ultimate of the ultimates of love. This sort of fire and energy is cosmic, and esoteric, its purpose is to open us up to ourselves.-- For within each of our beings lives dualties-- what we perceive as dualties,,, and inside the depths of everyone there lives a balance of masculine and feminine energies--- we are all born with perfectly balances masculine ad feminine energy, yet over the course of our life we either open up to this, or close it off.

With the opening and working on these energies within us, balancing OUR Dual Female- male traits and energies, we allow ourselves to be open to perfect balance and understanding of our dual-ties. It is only through the work we put into this healing of our own being,soul and the balancing of all our bodies - Do we get to prepare for the Physical aspect of it. 

Now, For the Part that everyone seems most interested in--- The Physical Union of Such energies .
It is recorded and noted that yes, everyone does have a twin flame- but the purpose of such union is for the healing of the planet. I have read many many statements on this, and Who is to know for sure-- but what I believe is that when these two separate creatures ( who are spiritually one) have done everything they are meant for -personally- and have come to earth to fullfill their Divine Earth healing mission- as their main- Do they get to have this physical union. You see, after struggling with this same statement for years ,I promise you, I finally came to accept  that, this love is not about HAVING EACHOTHER, it is about working with eachother and understanding that individually , each human is amazing and Miraculous in their own ways. . Yet, When you are a being who has spent lifetimes working towards and building up your healing abilities ,and your understandings of humankind-- only then will you really be able to handle and accept this sort of union.

The Vibration and the healing that comes from meditating on this sort of energy , is so fucking good.
I spent a couple of weeks just trying out different ones on drawing your twin flame in, preparing yourself, meeting them on spiritual planes-- all the like-- and the ones that helped me to feel whole and felt right, were the ones telling me to just be patient and work on myself. Because lets be honest, there is no way to predict something like this. most of the time, the soul essence that is the other half of our soul, is still in spiritual form either watching over us, or guiding us .. Very seldom do we tangibly have this connection. Do not fear and do not worry, this energy is something that is so strong that no matter what it is un-deniable and always with you .

Silence your mind and focus on the base of your spine , this is where the sleeping goddess within you lies dormant, within the same space also lies the divine Masculine.

Deeply breathe and imagine if you will your lungs moving slowly and relaxing you , focus on this visual untill you feel your mind relax. Now think to yourself " What do I wish to know from this." Any feelings , sensations, words, smells, names, faces etc is important,
If you wish to do meditations for anymore twin flame things, I highly suggest Youtube , it is filled with guided meditations and even just information on it all.
It is always important to keep paper and a pen handy, especially when doing meditations!

The balance of these two traits is important is allowing us to be firm and confident ( masculine) while remaining Intuitive and compassionate (feminine) in all that we do.
Only after the Divine Feminine is awakened within you will the Earth's Divine Masculine be whole and healed .

We Live in a society that places dominance of one or the other as ultimate, yet look where we are in time, there is no need for dominance but balance in all that we do. While respecting the busy and vibrant energy of the day, we can allow the soft and mysterious energy of the night to soothe us. Everything is naturally a balance, it is up to us to awaken all that we are to help maintain order of the balances and this will allow the Twin flame energies Of the earth to be re-united. Divine Order is always at play, Sweet baby angels, and with that being said I pray tell you be patient with all your life, and be grateful with your everything breath. Life is the pace it is and is the soulful living that it is. Hurry nothing along faster than they should be, and everything will be balances and right on time.

Any questions or suggestions for more articles message me on my facebook page,

Sending you love and Patience ,


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