
Saturday, December 6, 2014

Monthly Meditation: December- Twin flame journey through ascension

The ascension of the soul can be interpreted in thousands of directions,  and that's what makes this sort of thing so unique.  Never have I stumbled across an energy force so strong and defiant in the same element.

Take a moment to think about your souls journey; what to you means ascension,  do you say prayers to feel close to the God of love?  Do you meditate to connect to the journey of yourself? Do you live in service of love and light to aid humanity in their journey towards enlightenment? Whatever your ascension journey is, you must have dedication to it without unwavering faith.  This is the key to ascension,  complete and transformational dedication.

I value and cherish your personal ascension journey because I know the things it entails, and you are beautiful for going on such a journey.
What does your heart feel?  What do you feel most drawn to in form of service?  Are you a comforter, healer, speaker, lover, teacher, wanderer, earth angel etc?
The dedication of my love and soul to my ascension journey,  has no doubt changed me in every single way possible.  I was raised in the church, so I grew up knowing there is divine love, then along the way deep into my later youth I lost faith in the universe and became an atheist.  Telling myself and the world that there we no divine,  so cruel and how delusional it would be to think that.. I mean I reeeealllyyy felt that, so completely physical.
This was the most lonely and tough time of my life ; I have mad respect  for everyone beliefs; for me being an atheist left me feeling angry and like life was meaningless. Then, one day an earth angel introduced me to Doreen Virtue,  her archangels and now here I am.  Its been close to 4 years now; I say thanks every day for the angels,  earth and spirit, because without all of them and their constant signs ,I would be still just as lost.

I love and cherish my ascension.  I have awoken deep within me lifetimes of ancient wisdom, I have connected to the elements, my senses, and those around me like never before. I have understood my capabilities so much more now, my rebellions, my soul fire, my passions are blazing because I said "there's no fucking way the 3d world is all there is."
And to me,.there is an infinity of possibility, not limited by our physical perception.

You don't understand how Important it is to trust your own being, your own intuition, .your own self. Your entire being, even the ego. There is no part of us that should not be loved.

So tell me Angels , what is your ascension?  What do you feel is the journey of your soul?

I would like to take you on a meditation, to meet with your twin flame ,to leave you peaceful and opening. Here we go. Sometimes it is best to read through my meditations first and then embark on then 💛💙

Tap your thymus gently and take a deep breath, tap again and breath.

Make sure that you're breathing is deep and follow the patterns of your breath.

Allow your mind to flow without disregarding anything that pops up, allow yourself to focus on your breathing.  Deeply and slowly, from the depths of your belly..
Tap your third eye with your dominant hand and close your eyesss.

Now envision if you will a hallway of doors and you see a red door,   it's at the end of the hallway.

You're going to Walk toward that door with confidence and intention,what do you feel surface within, coming towards the door?
Reach out for the door knob, but before you grab it say a little prayer of thanks for your ascension journey, for all the lessons that have come . All the lessons that you have been shown have prepared you for this.

Open the door and walk through, its a beautiful open field,  you see wildflowers and daisies,  butterflies and Cherubs are there -
Playing and enjoying the beautiful sunlight by the trees.

Now, envision if you will a picnic blanket in the field,  go to the blanket and have a seat, take some more deep breaths,
allow and trust and do not fight the openness you feel ,
  Notice the butterflies and Cherubs, being so lovely and relaxed, now feel yourself relax with them.

Notice the red door up in the field a little, and see it opening.

 Your twin flame walks out and is coming towards you, he or she is vibrant and beautiful,  now remember to let go of expectation.
If it is too much,  you can even imagine them as a bright white aura.
  Now slowly start relaxing as they come towards you.
What do you feel?
They are sitting there with you, and you are in perfect harmony.
Ask them anything you'd like, keep it light hearted.

Breathe them in and breathe in the trip there.

 Relax and be. What do you feel from them,  what words,.smells,.ideas etc pop up. Make note of them.

Now allow yourself to just be for a bit,.and when the time has come I want you to go back to the red door, thank your twin for the time,
  walk through it,close it behind you.

Now journey slowly back into your body feeling your head,
shoulders, heart,
 stomach, buttocks,
 hips, legs and toess.
Breathe deeply and focus on the place you are at, the time and day, and breathe deeep.
 And again .
Rub your hands or feet,
something like that to make sure you're grounded .

What stuck out to you in that meditation? Its okay if you got nothing,it's all a journey!  Words, sensations, thoughts, inspirations, anything and.everything is importantt. Make note!

So tell me poppies, how is your souls ascension?  Why this is so important for the twin flame journey,
is the fact that the purity each twin soul holds,
 is important specifically for an Element of the Healing for Mother Earths Collective Soul.
 When we start to vibrate at a high frequency many things including thoughts, food and people start to shift.

When we vibrate at a high frequency many many things fall away to purify and prepare us for all of it. Once I switched my diet to incorporating pure and organic foods into it, I started getting less migraines and started feeling more energized.
  When I, eliminated toxic people and situations (always with the help of the universe) I began to feel more focus and inner peace. On every single level of our being,  there is an importance of our attention that is required for our soul to reach whatever nirvana it seeks... but since the fact that my soul has chosen that it wishes to reach Nirvana, my journey is unique and intense all the same.

Connecting to our souls journey to peace, is the most intimate and pure part of the Twin Flame energy.. It is in essence, the entire Role of Twin Flame union. Healing the Colleective Soul is what will ultimately unify humans with not only themselves , but with the nature of humans.and that is nature of the physical world- Creature, plant, Spore, atom etc etc

I am sending you each infinity of blessings on this gorgeous Full Moon day, the energy feels pure and Ready for the Magick of Winter. Cleanse your soul and sit back, it's time to relax.
Loving you all individually and also collectively,


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