
Wednesday, January 21, 2015

twin flame collective Love- Winter Reflections

 Happy New year,  and divine blessings to you my beautiful Angels! I have slipped up with the monthly meditation, and that's alright-  instead, for the next few months we will focus our meditations and collective soul journey on twin flame love.

Winter is a time of deep reflection and for me, personally,  a time of great mourning for the plants and life that dies this time of year.

May you breathe in the soul of winter,  and journey with me to the core of our essence.

I have been feeling,.strongly and even stronger everyday-  the divine and universal twin flame presence. ( For further description on t.f energy if this is your first time reading about it, seek out older post a of mine , there are a few articles talking on it's description)
There is a great imbalance in our divine mother earth, and one key of many, is that of twin flame love. 

It does not matter if you have met or known your twin flame, the energy that it holds is the sacred key we need.

Take a breathe and relax your shoulders,  you carry within you a divine blue print and within another creature on this planet/andor universe,  there in lies the same divine blueprint. 
The divine tells us that no matter what, as long as we hold our connection to our higher self, source, and love then we will live life in a prosperous state and will see things As they truly are. I am truly proud of your journey thus far, and my heart rejoices with all the blessings to come. 

 Connection to source is how we connect to the pure and true balance of twin flame love, you are your twin flame. Within your higher heart you hold all of the love in the world. Within your higher heart you hold all of the healing love the world needs. 
Can it really be possible to influence the world with just love? I say that love, is the ingredient that's missing from this fucked up state of mind the masses cling to. 

Within your heart of hearts I wish for you to sit in meditation once a day,  and focus upon your divine heart. Reflect upon that which you are. This lifetime and all the lifetimes before; if you are a new soul on earth- welcome and you are perfect.  Twin flame love does not need a face to it, but simply the love in your heart. Meditating to send your tf love, is the most healing and pure thing you can do for them! 

I also ask, that each day you spend time in gratitude for life, the next and the past. 
Winter is a time of silent communion,  and a time of inner healing. The earth on this side of the planet is in a state of deep meditation. It seems only suiting to do and be the same.

Allow the pure love of twin flame healing to course through you and open doors of possibility . Twin flame energy is meant to inspire and give you motivation. Within even just opening twin flame portals,  you open up masses of healing flow and awaken within youu,  lifetimes of knowledge and inspiration that exceeds explanations. 

I , myself have never met my twin flame in the physical, but in meditiations. With that alone, I am able to aid others In their journey. The balance of the divine masculine and feminine is essential in the healing of this 2015 year. 

You are blessed,.and your soul is meant to be unified.  Thank you for your journey and for the love in your heart.

Sending you love, from this heart and the divine 


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