
Friday, December 12, 2014

Changing our perception- Intimate Attractions

We live in the 21st century, a time that holds high,  the pleasure of the physical.  This makes sense does it not, We are after all creatures of this earth; But what about our next true , evolutionary step? 

Merging our physical consciousness with our spiritual consciousness. 

 I look around me and I see beautiful faces, I see people thriving to perfect their body, and I see people reacting to chemicals,  as if they are the basis of our most intimate relationships.
Tell me, and be honest, when You initially seek someone out in an intimate way, what are you first attracted to?

  For a majority of the population, we rely on our eyes to do the picking- without realizing,  our eyes will and do deceive us. How many Timespecially has a pretty face truly been all that you needed?
  Never, because we know deep down that being shallow is not going to find us what we seek. Naturally we are animalistic,  naturally for generations we have been taught to choose our counterpart based off chemical reactions, and" good genes" , while feeding the societal standards of normal. Now think about this, as we are just following our nature as humans, don't you think there is no real evolution in that. If perhaps,  we as a species has evolved as far as we can biologically,  and all that is left , is for us to open our consciousness and evolve from that.
When we notice our attraction to someone, it is healthy and absolutely important that we ask ourself why we are attracted to them. Is it because the nature in our body says,  oohh Oohh chemicals, or is it because that person without a doubt, enticed your entire being.

You see, we live in a third dimension world, where we look to our senses to give us what we need. The see things, thus they are there and we believe only this. Yet, we also have proof that our emotions exist and we feel them.  So what does this tell us? 

 That not only do we live everyday in our physical body, but we also live everyday in our emotional body. Two bodies so far, yet only one we see with our eyes. This answers the question of there being more to us than what our body says.
If you think about it, the ego is linked to our body, so when we are reacting initially to someone based off what our eyes tell us, we are allowing our ego to make that decision for us.
This is why, I think it is time for us to change the way we perceive others on an intimate level- if we only ever respond and entice our lustful desires when it comes to seeking companionship,  we will only ever be satisfied in that area.

 Yet, if we choose to look with not just our eyes but with our hearts, third eye, and soul,  then we will see the complete picture of the person; we will answer the questions we have about them, and we will be able to see that sometimes,  a pretty face is an ugly soul. Never be fooled by your eyes.

Not everyone is blessed with the ability to see the soul of a creature upon gazing at them, yet we can learn to be aware of our everything to catch ourselves reacting. 
 So, the next time you find your self attracted to someone, .ask yourself why, and seek to see more of them. 

 The way someone holds themselves together, their demeanor, is an indication of their energy flow. The way someone treats another, is an indication of their personal power and heart energy. There really are thousands of little ways to be able to read someone based off  every thing that is beyond the physical.
  When we trust our intuition,  then we are open to the truth far more.
It is high time that we change the standards of society, our methods and beliefs, even laws are beyond outdated. How sad to think, that even our method for love is outdated. Never fear,  there are thousands of angels (Earth and beyond) ready and working to change things.
Sending you all love and levelheaded decisions,


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