Described as the 13th ray of consciousness, The essence known as Christ Consciousness is far more than a Link to Christianity or religion of any kind. This energy Is a mindset of High vibration, that calls to us to live at a level of service to humanity, unconditional love, empathy with a pure and balanced human experience.
This wavelength can be reached a number of ways. Through meditation, prayer, acts of unconditional love, forgiveness, empathy, non judgment etc..
The Christian history of Jesus speaks of a man, being sent down as the only son, of the God of Love, to allow a way for us to atone for our "sins" and Be able to "come back" to God through him. Being a way to ascend into heaven after death.
In more new age teachings, he is known as An Ascended Master.
A Being, who came to earth already enlightened, here to teach an alternative human lifestyle. One aimed at teaching love for the other, selflessness, the power of the human consciousness. You see, Christ consciousness shows us, that we're to be of service to one another despite our differences or Status. Much Like Joan of arc, the Original Buddha , Martin Luther King JR, Saint Teresa and so many more ascended masters.
Instead of being accepted for the radical he was, he was put to death and shamed by those in power out of fear. A Being, who came to earth already enlightened, here to teach an alternative human lifestyle. One aimed at teaching love for the other, selflessness, the power of the human consciousness. You see, Christ consciousness shows us, that we're to be of service to one another despite our differences or Status. Much Like Joan of arc, the Original Buddha , Martin Luther King JR, Saint Teresa and so many more ascended masters.
The Way of Jesus Christ Is a call to rise above what is known as the 3rd dimensional mindset (where money , worry, and gluttony for Power rule.) It's A call to trust your path, and your inner divinity. As A Child of Creation. What are you creating in your daily life, as practice if Christ Consciousness?
It's a respect of our true relationship to other Humans (and the Divine)
really... all beings of life. We are here as a family, and here to be of service to one another by showing our appreciation and gratitude for the other.
When we Look at the big picture and see that only as a whole with the intention of love, can we function properly. No matter the age, race, status, gender or anything that speaks on separation or isolation from the other.
really... all beings of life. We are here as a family, and here to be of service to one another by showing our appreciation and gratitude for the other.
When we Look at the big picture and see that only as a whole with the intention of love, can we function properly. No matter the age, race, status, gender or anything that speaks on separation or isolation from the other.
Separation on any level is an illusion, based on the fact that energy and its flow are always in communication with the other (human and not)
What Will you choose to Emit ?
When I think of perfect examples of People Emitting Christ Consciousness - I Think of my sister and her Husband. Their vibration is pure and they are always emitting Hospitality, Christ's love and an ever open heart. I've never felt more openly loved or able to be me, than when I am in their home !
It's the heart of Love (Higher heart) that understands the Human Condition, and Loves humanity anyway. Holding Empathy above all else and Cherishing Each Human Just as the Next (you're still allowed favorites though ;])
You see, Christ consciousness does not call for perfection in any way, or even a life free of material ( Balance is essential) but a life of gratitude and an open heart of understanding, for your human family.
You don't have to like everyone, but you must respect their path. It is their journey and theirs alone, whatever that may be. If you must walk away from others for the path they choose this is fine, just remember to release them with Love. harboring resentment does you more harm than them.
It's not our Job to change others or even tell them how to live- But to live our lives with integrity and lead by example.
A Life of Humility, Compassion, Inner joy spilled outward, and gratitude teaches so much more than A preacher screaming from A pulpit.
Remember this the next time you feel judgment or the justification of-
Loving you all- Religious and not , The heart of Love knows no religion but that the only way to heal the collective heart is to melt barriers of what has been previously taught and instilled.
Through self love, we learn to share this type of love. Compassion comes from a healthy relationship with self and our divine spirit. Through the divine connection of Christ consciousness (selflessness) we are beacons of this love.
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