
Thursday, August 25, 2016

Environmental awareness: Noise pollution and our part in taking care of our Mother.

There's no shortage of damage to our home planet, from litter, to landfills; Light pollution and smog, to Noise pollution in the ocean. We have slowly but surely (in a mass sense) started destroying the earth and her natural state since the beginning of man. From the need to cut out forestry to make commercial properties, to becoming ignorant of our litter and the effects it has on the natural world. 70% of the trash we produce, will not break down and decompose. So to say the least, STOP THROWING YOUR CIGARETTE BUTTS ON THE GROUND!!

While there is no shortage of things to talk about regarding the Earth and her health. There's one issue that I wish to bring into the limelight, and this is the state of the ocean and her creatures.
88% of the oceans surface is polluted, with a whopping 5.25 TRILLION pieces of trash (and counting) floating in our seas and oceans. (Sourced: Google)
Filling our ocean creatures with heavy metals, trash (yes, they do eat it) and low vibrational Energies. It seems as though we are destroying our earth from the inside out.

On top of us adding to these trash pollution statistics everyday, there is an even BIGGER issue to be faced in the ocean, and that is noise pollution.

90% of what we buy arrives by boat, leaving the trans-oceanic import export trade to be one of the highest ranking markets in the entire world. The size and ripple effect of this trade, has not gone unnoticed by marine biologists, who are stressed out to say the least.
Approximately 20 million containers are being transported via ocean travel as we speak.
Shipping industry, bigger than you can imagine
foreign trade census

Although it is cost efficient and more convenient for merchandisers, the creatures of the ocean are being impacted in an undeniably negative manner.
For example, the whales in the Northern hemisphere have gone deaf, and are unable to communicate or breed due to this trade. The population of  our northern hemisphere whales, in comparison to the southern hemisphere is more than a 10,000 whale difference.
That's a big WTF in my book and the book of marine biologists.
Here are a few articles written by experts in the field, or interviews with experts:
Chris Clark, marine bioacoustics expert
Ocean matters
Ocean noise campaign
Human noise

These mass ships, are the size of skyscrapers moving merch to and fro daily. They are not only responsible for the noise death of whales, (and other sea inhabitants) but the contact death of them, as well. Choppin em up, and most without even a notice.
Our greed for capitol and for merchandise has made us the #1 killer of ocean life and the ocean's natural sound wavelength. There is not a single place in the ocean, where human noise pollution is undetectable. With the noise pollution almost tripling in the last 50 years, this raises a red flag and calls for action and awareness.
With marine biologists working tirelessly to understand and study these new ocean life conditions, we must ask ourselves what can be done. How can we reverse the damage we've created as a human race? Is there redemption for our actions or is this the end? What impact will this have in the long run?

This is an issue that has left me flabbergasted and distraught, My advice is little to none. We can support and donate to these marine biologists who care the most for these creatures. The only way for us to understand what we can do on a individual level is to heed their words and actions.

What we can do On a personal level is bring awareness to our imprint on the earth. By, reducing our personal waste, limiting our consumerism, refraining from purchasing made-to-break items, picking up trash we see laying around, recycling our plastics and cardboards, using cloth or mesh bags for grocery shopping, making our own meals (aka avoid eating out, or buying single serving meals),re-using plastic bags from grocery stores, Knowing WHERE we buy our products from (aka buy local and cruelty free), paying mind to our energy use, paying attention to the pollutants we put into the earth, etc.

Pay heed to these words-its only so long before there's nothing left to do, except watch the world implode.
Why not start small, with our own actions and create a ripple effect of care and healing.


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