In light of Recent events, I have been struggling with My Own Heart Essence.
I Have Given pieces of myself to those who do not deserve them, and in return have gotten nothing, and this is not kind of them or right of me.
They say that all relationships should be a two way street, where it is equal give to take ratio. This could not be more true.
If anyone has ever felt so tired and drained from a relationship, and have known that you have been giving more than receiving. It Is time to walk Away from this/ These Relationship(s)

I know , My Sweets. I feel This same pain, But sometimes loving is not enough.
Sometimes, we Must Love ourselves more
There is a saying that goes: Sometimes, God puts people in your life for a short time to make sure that you are Loving yourself Enough.
Sometimes , you must Love YOurself enough, To know when to walk away.

We Must remember ourselves, we Must remember who we are. Strong, Vibrant, Loving Creatures.
When we remember all that we are, we can remember what it takes to take care of us.All those little things we take for granted. Where it be how we set up our bathroom, how we clean our kitchen , The way we organize our dresser, color code our closet, How we accessorize. No matter what it is that makes us feel whole and like ourselves, we can lose that when we give too much time and energy to the wrong cause.

Heaven wants us to know that, it is okay to stray sometimes, it is okay for us to feel exactly how we feel. We are who we are, by nature. You can change habits, but all in all you cannot change a persons nature, and that is a fact of Life. Nothing is either good nor bad, it just is.
Take time out to listen to your heart and who you really are, let go of your prejudies, those are taught . Let go of the need to control. Take care of YOU.
If you are a caretaker much like myself, you know, you cannot care for others, unless you yourself are taken cared of.
Never be ashamed in the ways you need to pamper yourself, in moderation, take time out everyday to do this.
Never fear the outcome of any situation and keep in mind who you are. You are a Magnificent creature , blessed with the ability to speak and feel and understand far more than you can imagine. Listen to what your Soul and Body is telling you, Trust your intuition.
We are truly blessed!
I Love you all , Verrrrrry much! and I am so grateful for the Soul's that I can reach out to!
I Pray that all of you listen to your Heart an Find your faith,
With Love and One million kisses,
E&B <333333

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